Questionnaire Text

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19. Did you perform any work providing earnings or income or did you help pay in a family business?
If the answer is: 1 or 2 - go to question 20; 3 - go to question 25; 4 - go to question 28

[] 1 Yes, go to question 20
[] 2 You temporarily didn't work due to illness, vacation, lay-off, strike etc., but you did have a job (did not concern contributing family members) in reference week (from May 13th to May 19th), go to question 20
[] 3 No, go to question 25
[] 4 Lack of response (concerns persons staying abroad), go to question 28
25. Are you looking for a job actively?
If the answer is: 1 - go to question 26; 2 - go to question 27; 3 - go to question 28.

[] 1 Yes, go to question 26
[] 2 No, you have found a job and have been waiting to start it, go to question 27
[] 3 No, go to question 28
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Question 19. Did you perform any work providing earnings or income or did you help without pay in a family business? [p. 38]

page 11

1. Answer 1. yes concerns persons, who in the week of research -- 13 May to 19 May 2002 did for at least 1 hour any work providing earnings or income (in cash or in kind) or helped without pay in a family business or family agricultural farm.

Answer 1 concerns also persons serving in the army or being working abroad.

2. Answer 2. concerns persons who are employed (i.e. have a formal agreement with an employer) or have their own business, but in the week of research did not spend even 1 hour working due to: illness, taking care of an ill child or any other member of the family, maternity leave, holidays, strike, weather conditions preventing them from working etc.

3. Classifying a person as working (answer 1 or 2) the fat of having an agreement with an employer not the king of the contract should be taken into account. A working person is also a person that is doing the work without any formal agreement (grey area). Even if a person is registered as unemployed but did some work in the week of research, he/she should be treated as working.

4. Answer 3. no concerns also persons, who usually help in a family business but did not serve any help in the time between 13 May and 19 May 2002.

5. Answer 4. lack of response concerns persons staying temporarily abroad, especially in the case when no relevant information can be collected from the members of the family.

6. In case an employee stays on unpaid or parental leave, the length of the leave should be taken into consideration. If the leave (unpaid or parental) lasts up to 3 months answer 2 should be indicated, if the leave is longer than 3 months -- the correct answer is answer 3.

Question 25. Are you looking for a job actively? [p. 41]

Active looking for a job means that in the last four weeks (between 22nd April and 19th May 2002) the person took any of the means to find the job: visited the regional job agency, was looking for a job by means of asking relatives, friends or asking directly the potential employers, searched through the job offers, tried to establish his/her own business or tried to find a job another way.