Questionnaire Text

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6. What is the reason of your absence or staying?
If the answer is: 1 in the question 5 and 4 or 5 in question 4 - finish enumeration of this person

[] 1 Education
[] 2 Work
[] 3 Family reasons
[] 4 Treatment, convalescence
[] 5 Living conditions
[] 6 Living in health care institution (for child or adult)
[] 7 Other (military)
[] 8 Refugee (for foreigners)
[] 9 Other reasons (specify) ____
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Question 6. What is the reason for your absence or staying? [p. 30-31]

1. The question concerns persons who:
Are absent under their permanent address for longer than 2 months,
Staying temporarily regardless the length of stay or place of origin (Poland or abroad).
2. Answer 7. other (military) should be indicated in case of persons serving in the army or being imprisoned.

3. Answer 8. refugee (for foreigners) should be indicated in case of foreigners who got the status of refugee or are awaiting the decision (after applying for such a status).

4. In case the absence/staying is caused by another reasons than those listed in 1-8, the answer 9 (other reasons) should be chosen. In such a case the specification of the reason of absence/staying is required.

Reason for absence / staying:
Ejection (symbol 91)
Check- out (to nowhere) (symbol 92)
Homelessness (symbol 93)
Others (short term visits, holidays, etc.) (symbol 94)
Page 7
5. For every person for whom the reason for absence is connected with accompanying the relative in a trip/travel, the reason for absence should be identical with the reason of absence of the person he/she accompanies.

6. For persons staying temporarily up to 2 months (answer 4 or 5 in question 4 and 1 in question 5) the enumeration should be stopped after completing question 6.