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4. Do you live here permanently and were you present or absent on May 20th at midnight or do you stay here temporarily?
If the answer is: 1 go to question 7; 3 give the name of the country of staying; 5 give the name of the country of origin

[] 1 Live permanently - present - question 7
[] 2 Live permanently - absent
Stay in other place in Poland
[] 3 Live permanently - absent
Stay abroad: Name of the country ____
[] 4 Stay temporarily - arrived from other place in Poland
[] 5 Stay temporarily - arrived from abroad
Name of the country ____
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Question 4. Do you live here permanently and were you present or absent on May 20th at midnight or do you stay here temporarily? [p. 28-29]

1. The answer 1. live permanently -- present should be indicated if a person lives under the address permanently and is not registered under any other address and was present there on May 20th at midnight

Answer 1 should be indicated also if a person lives under the address but was not present on May 20th at midnight as long as the absence is short-term and due to:
Kind of work done (night shift, pilots, marines etc.),

Participation in an organized party (private or institutional),

Getting lost.
2. The answer 2. live permanently -- absent stay in other place in Poland should be indicated if a person is registered under the address but was absent on May 20th at midnight for different reason than those listed above as long as the person was within Poland

Answer 2 should also be chosen if a person was absent due to serving in the army on compulsory basis or were imprisoned or arrested.

3. Answer 3. live permanently -- absent stay abroad should be indicated if a person is registered under the address but was absent on May 20th at midnight due to staying abroad (regardless the length of the stay).

For such persons the country they are staying in should be written in.
[technical remarks on how to give the name of the country -- p. 29]

4. Answer 4. stay temporarily -- arrived from other place in Poland should be indicated if a person stays under the address temporarily no matter if:
The person is registered under the address for temporary stay,

The stay lasts several days or longer,
5. Answer 5. stay temporarily arrived from abroad should be indicated for every person arriving from abroad and staying temporarily in the enumerated flat no matter if:
The person is registered under the address for temporary stay,

The stay lasts several days or longer,
For such persons the country they are coming from should be written in.