Questionnaire Text

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15. What is the country of your birth?
Please give the name of the country of your birth on the basis of international boundaries existing at the time of the census

[] 1 Poland
[] 2 Other country (specify)
Name of country ____
16. What is your citizenship?
If the answer is 2 or 3 - give the name of the country (ies) of citizenship

[] 1 Polish (only)
[] 2 Both - Polish and other (specify) ________
[] 3 Only others (specify)
________ Name of country
________ Name of country
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Question 16. What is your citizenship? [p. 36]

1. An enumerated person can be a citizen of one, two or more countries.If a person is a citizen of more than one country, write in the names of maximum two countries. For stateless persons answer 3 should be chosen.

2. For persons being citizens of Poland only choose answer 1.

3. If a foreign person does not know the country he/she is a citizen of, write in the name of the country he/she was born in.