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11. The type of fuel or energy used for heating the dwelling
If the answer is 3 or 4 or 5 in question 10 - please give the answer.

[] 1 Constant fuel (coke, coal, patent fuel, wood)
[] 2 Gas (gaseous fuel)
[] 3 Liquid fuel (propulsive fuel, fuel oil)
[] 4 Electricity
[] 5 Two kinds of fuel (i.e. gas-oil, gas-coal, etc.)
[] 6 Others (specify): ____
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Question 11. The type of fuel or energy used for heating the dwelling [p. 56-57]

Answer this question only in case when answers 3,4 or 5 have been selected in question 10. Type of heating of the dwelling.

Answer 5. Two kinds of fuel- should be selected if two different types of fuel are systematically used for heating the dwelling e.g. in a single-family building there is central heating as well as a furnace, and these two means of heating are used interchangeably.

Answer 6. Other -- should be selected if the dwelling (a single-family house) is heated by: solar panels, wind power, the energy is taken from biomass or a hot spring (geothermal). In such case, apart from selecting answer 6, write in the left space what kind of energy this is.