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13. Definition of a household [p. 23-24]

1. Persons living permanently or temporarily in the same flat Questionnaire A household.

2. A household is a group of persons (related or not) who live together and share the typing living costs.
If a person only shares the flat with other persons and do not share any cost, the person forms a separate household.
3. When enumerating a flat the number of households in the flat should be recognized. I case of two or more households located in the same flats, the members of the households should be enumerated separately.

The main household in the flat is a household of the owner of the flat.

4. An order of enumeration is important. The first person enumerated should always be the head of the household. The head is a person who contributes to the income of the household in the greatest proportion. If two or more persons contribute the same, the head is a person who manages the finance.

The other persons should be enumerated in an order reflecting the relationship to the head of the household -- spouse/partner, single children, children who have their own families, parents, parents in law, grandparents, siblings and their families and persons who are not related.

5. Within a household families will be recognized.