Questionnaire Text

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1. Type of building
[] 1 Residential
With total number of dwellings: ____
[] 2 Residential- inventoried or residential-farmers
[] 3 Institutional-collective living quarters (more than half of it is occupied for hotel, dormitory, convent, etc.)
[] 4 Non-residential (more than half of it is occupied for offices, dispensary, school etc.)
[] 5 Reserved for seasonal use
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
General information [p. 57]

1. Information about the building should be determined only in case of buildings housing more than one dwelling. In case there are two or more enumerated dwellings in the building, indicate information about the building only in the first enumerated dwelling.

2. Information about the buildings housing the dwellings which are managed by legal persons and organizational units without legal personality will be given by the administrative authorities of these buildings.

This information will be given before the census on auxiliary forms, Characteristics of building or they will be directly given to the enumerators, which will contact the administrative authorities in the day of conducting the census.
The forms with Characteristics of Building, after they have been used, should be returned to the enumeration office with the whole set of enumeration materials.

3. Information about the individual buildings owned by private persons i.e. about single-family houses and the so-called small dwelling-houses should be determined by the enumerator during the census and be directly filled-in to the Questionnaire A.

Question 1. Type of building [p. 58]

1. A residential building (answer 1) is a building which is entirely occupied by living spaces and a building where apart from dwellings there are other spaces as well, but they occupy more than a half of the building space. This rule does not operate in case of residential-inventoried or residential-farmers buildings, which should be included in category 2, regardless of how big part of the building is occupied by dwellings.
In case of a residential building, establish the number of the dwellings present in the building (including both occupied and non-occupied ones) and write the number in the grid under symbol 1.
2. A building reserved for seasonal use is a building whose construction (according to building regulations) required a construction permit for a residential building, and its main purpose is temporary habitation e.g. for holiday, non-working days. A building formerly used as a residential one but now used only for temporary habitation should also be included in this category.
Please Notice: A typical cottage house should not be included in this category.