Questionnaire Text

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Census of population (inhabitants)

14-23 Source of income

23. Main source of income

Write in:

[] Maintenance from work,
[] Maintenance not from work,
[] Maintained by another person
____Specify the number of the person.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

31. General rules of providing answers according sources of maintenance (questions 14-23) [p.29]
Three main income sources are indicated:

- One's personal job, which is connected with income or a wager; this point includes also individuals, who serve with a supportive works (without obtaining a fixed payment) for a family member in the case of individual agricultural farming (agricultural plot) management, or any other forms based on self-employment.
- Income obtained instead of earnings.
- Support of another family member or any other person.

Information about one's personal job should be gathered from individuals older than 15 years old (born in 1973 or earlier), which work during the period of census, regardless, whether they started their work.

Individuals should be considered as working, even not working during the period of census, if:

- They are on non-paid leaves, granted for periods shorter than 3 months.
- State that they are living thanks to incomes from work performed earlier, which cannot be performed currently due to its seasonal character. Noting this work is appropriate only in cases, which it lasted longer than 3 months in 1988. This issue includes forestry workers, constructional workers, water supply workers, fishermen etc.
- Are changing their workplace -- they are not yet registered in a former workplace, but they haven't worked in their new workplace either. It the break between works did not exceed 3 months, last performed work should be registered.
- Working on an individual agricultural holding (agricultural allotment) --as its users or supporters -- should be indicted for individuals, who worked on these holdings for more than 3 months in 1988 and didn't study in day schools simultaneously.

Individuals, who shouldn't be considered as workers are:

- Those staying on unpaid leaves granted for 3 and more months.
- Staying on educational leaves due to child caring and haven't take up any part-time job or home works.
- Made an agreement to be trained to perform a particular work or vocation with a company.
- Are performing social works only (without payment).
- Are working only within their households.

Individuals, who have only one job (even connected with low incomes and performed in a part-time), should have this work described while answering questions connected with work.
Individuals, who have two jobs, the first job (the basic one) should be indicated in questions 14-17 and the second job in questions 18 and 19.

The first job (the basic one) is defined as work, which is performed permanently, and if both works are performed in such manner -- then the more time consuming one.

Note. The second work shouldn't be described (in questions 18 and 19) if there are no information about the first job ((in questions 14-17).

While gathering information about the first job, individuals working in socialized companies should have information about company's name, localization and position should be rewritten from the supportive form, from the part concerning employment, after checking these information's validity beforehand. Individuals, who didn't fill in the form or filled it inappropriately, as in the case of individuals working in non-socialized companies, should have these information specified, by following regulations from sections below and examples presented in the table on the page number 34 and 35.

3. Information about non-earned source of income should be indicated in questions 21 and 22.

4. People, who are unemployed and don't having any non-earned source of income should be indicated as supported. These individuals, in question number 23, should have 'supported by person No?' inscription specified, with specifying rubric's number, in which a supporter was indicated. Direct regulations concerning this category are contained in 41 of the Guidebook.

5. Individuals, who:

- Serve in the army, who serve in civil protection military forces, take part in military training for university students, studying in schools subjected to NDM or MOI, , and people who are currently abroad should provide information about the source of income that they had while living in their housing.
- Are in penitentiary wards or in arrest should indicate source of income received before being arrested.

6. Individuals being abroad:

- Because of any work performed in diplomatic offices, in international institutions, co-working with national or foreign companies -- should have their work performed abroad indicated.
- In the case, when a person won't be able to provide sufficient information about this job, work performed in the country (before leaving) should be described.
- Because of reasons different then mentioned (for example because of searching for a job or visiting relatives), should have their source of maintenance valid before leaving specified.