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Characteristics of households

Fill for the building in which at least one dwelling was enumerated. Answers for questions 1-10 write in only once -- in a first enumerated dwelling. In the forms filled for other dwellings this part should be crossed.

9. Central heating:

[] 1 Yes -- network
[] 2 Yes -- local system
[] 0 Not in a building
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Characteristics of a building
Central heating
- A housing equipped in a central heating installation is defined as a building, all or part dwellings of which are connected to a heating system, heating for which is produced outside the dwelling.
- A multifamily building in which some --or all --of dwellings have central individual heating, that is radiators are sources of heating but there are also fireplaces located in such dwellings -- cannot be considered as having central heating. However, a single family house with such heating type should be considered as having central heating system.
- A central network heating should be understood as connection of building to a network powered by electro power plant, power plant or a local power plant, servicing more than one building.
- Dwellings located in a building connected to a heating network, which receive heating medias from this network should have it specified in 'Dwelling's description' (on the first page) and in the question number XI 'group central heating' should be specified (1 symbol encircled).
- A local central heating should be understood as heating provided from one's own power plant located in the building.
- If a building with its own power plant is considered as multifamily, and heat from this network is provided to a part or all dwellings (or other spaces) located in this building the in the 'Dwelling's description' (on the first page) and in the question number XI 'group central heating' should be specified (1 symbol encircled).
- In the case of single-family housing (in fact having 1, 2 or more dwellings), providing heat medium from one's own power plant should be specified as 'individual central heating' and -- concerning fueling type -- have 2 or 3 symbol specified.