Questionnaire Text

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Characteristics of a building

Fill for the building in which at least one dwelling was enumerated. Answers for questions 1-10 write in only once -- in a first enumerated dwelling. In the forms filled for other dwellings this part should be crossed.

2. The building is owned by:

[] 1 State
[] 2 Housing cooperative
[] 3 Other socialized institution (such as working establishment, socio-political organization etc.)
[] 4 Is privately owned but at least one flat in a building is allocated by decision of the local authority
[] 5 Is privately owned and there are no flats in a building being allocated by decision of the local authority
[] 6 Church
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Characteristics of a building

52. Who is the administrator of the building (or owner) (Question 1) [p. 46]
Answer to this question is based on specifying the full name of organization or name and surname of an individual, who is the owner of the building and encircling the symbol of classification range applicable for the organization (individual entity).

A building's owner is defined as institution or an individual, who has a title of ownership to this building, regardless, whether occupies this building by himself or rent it partially or wholly to other individuals or institutions.

If a building has the Building's card filled in, then name and surname of individual or name of institution should be rewritten from it (question 1). This information shouldn't be, however rewritten from the rubric number 6 of N-obw form, because an unit governing this building is specified, not a factual owner.

If the Building's card wasn't filled in, then owner should be specified during the census.

In the building is co-owned by various institutions or individuals, fields designed to write in name of the owner, should be filled in with names of all entities owning this building on the Building's card.

In the second part of the question, only one symbol should be encircled, applicable for an owner specified on the card as the first one.

While specifying symbol, which will refer to type of ownership, following rules should be applied:

The 1 symbol -- owned by territorial unit of state administration -- should be specified, when it was defined that the building is owned by:

- Housing Company
- Municipal Management of Residential Buildings
- Municipal Public Utilities and Housing
- Municipal Public Utilities and Housing Company
- Board of Residential Buildings
- Board of Housing
- City Hall, Municipal Office

The 2 symbol -- owned by housing collective -- should be encircled, when owner's name includes such phrases as: housing collective, constructional and housing collective, collective settlements, single-family housing collective, etc. This category shouldn't include building owned by: working collectives, agricultural production collectives, manufacturers collective, Comestible Collectives like 'Spolem', and 'Rural Self-Support' collective.

The 3 symbol -- Owned by other socialized unit -- should be encircled, when a building is owned by socialized company (including all working collectives, agricultural production collectives, manufacturers collectives etc.), institution, office, university, school, political and social organization etc.

4 and 5 symbols -- individual ownership -- specifying an appropriate symbol requires specifying, whether there is at least one dwelling occupied on the basis of the allocation order. If such dwelling was registered, then 4 symbol should be indicated, if such dwelling wasn't registered -- 5 symbol should be used.

The 6 symbol -- owned by religious organizations -- should be indicated, when a building is owned by parishes, monastery, episcopal curies or any other religious organization.
For buildings, which are governed by institutions subjected to ministers: of National Defense, of Interior and of Judicial Issues, it should be written 'state owned building' and the 3 symbol should be specified