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16. Main source of maintenance (Encircle the relevant source).

For persons maintained write in the number of his (her) breadwinner (i.e. number successive in enumerating persons in dwelling)

[] A Maintenance from work
[] B Maintenance not from work
[] C Number of breadwinner ____
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70 Main source of incomes of households (Question II) [p. 97]
1. For each household registered by means of page 2 and 3 of the A form, there is also the need to encircle one of nine symbols in this question in order to specify the main source of incomes. Information on households shall be provided in the same order as they have been registered using the form (and according with the numeration specified in question I)
2. Main source of incomes being one of nine provided in the table is the result of specifying all the sources of maintenance of household members, and afterwards summing them up and combining together.
If, in a given household:

- Only one person has a source of income, for example due to being employed in a shipyard (which is the main source of maintenance ) then the "1. Work outside agriculture in socialized economy" shall be encircled.
- More than one individual has a source of maintenance but they all belong to the same group then the same symbol shall be encircled for all those individuals for example, for husband working in the harbor and wife in a retail shop.

In the aforementioned cases, the "1. Work outside agriculture in socialized economy" answer shall be encircled as it is the most suitable one.
Nevertheless, if the sources of income of the household belong to various groups, for example, the husband works in an agricultural holding (answer 6), wife is a teacher (answer 1), and there is also the allowance of father-in-law (answer 8), then the dominant source of income shall be specified and the proper answer shall be encircled.
The source of income of the head of household may not always be the dominant one. In some cases, the summed up incomes of other members may turn out to be notably higher and the said state of affairs may be properly presented in the form.
3. Below, the main categories of sources of income with explanations are provided:

Symbol 1 Work outside agriculture in socialized economy shall be indicated for all the employees, home-workers, and commissioners, working in national, communal or state companies, workshops, and organizations.
Symbol 2 Work outside agriculture in non-socialized economy on own account shall be indicated for all the individuals obtaining income thanks to their work on their own account, for example, in their own companies, workshops, shops, stalls, as well as for tutors, lecturers, cab drivers, and or the representatives of the liberal professions, such as painters, writers, private practitioners, etc.
Symbol 3 Work outside agriculture in non-socialized economy employment shall be indicated for all the individuals working in non-agricultural companies owned by private owners or religious organizations.
Symbol 4 Work in agriculture in socialized economy in agricultural productive cooperative shall be indicated for all the individuals working in agricultural productive cooperatives or their branches, regardless of the type of employment.
Symbol 5 - Work in agriculture in socialized economy in State Farms, agricultural services, etc. shall be indicated for all the individuals employed in such socialized companies as: state farms and agricultural allotments, machine production companies, farmer associations, seed cleaning companies, storage centers, livestock breeding organizations, etc. The said answer shall be also indicated for the individuals employed by local authorities in the companies owned by them, so, for example: agricultural specialists, land developers, zoology technicians, etc.
Symbol 6 - Work in agriculture in non-socialized economy in own farm shall be indicated for all the individuals who work in their own agricultural allotment or agricultural holding (as well as in an orchard, garden), even if the farm is the part of a collective of individual farmers.
Symbol 7 - Work in agriculture in non-socialized economy employment shall be indicated for all the individuals who are employed by other entities to work on their agricultural allotments or agricultural holdings. It concerns private owners, communal agricultural holdings and holdings owned by religious organizations.
Symbol 8 Source other than work old age pension and other pensions shall be indicated for all the individuals obtaining pension or any other type of pension or allowance (family, disability, for exchanged agricultural holding, and other ones).
Symbol 9 Source other than work others shall be indicated for all the individuals which have a source of income not from work, but also not specified in answer 8, so for example: alimony, scholarship, welfare benefit, rent for leased dwelling etc.

4. If there are no individuals having a source of income in the household, so if all its representatives are supported by other persons (living somewhere else), then the answer to question II depends on the source of maintenance of main provider of the household. For example, if the household is supported by a farm owner, then the 6 symbol shall be encircled for the household.