Questionnaire Text

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[Question 8 was asked of persons whose religion is Muslim, per question 7.]

8. If Muslim, can ____ read the Holy Quran?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 Learning
[] 3 No

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2.4.9. Column number 9 - Can he/she read the Holy Quran

This question is asked only to Muslims - that is, persons for whom in column number 8 the code number "1" has been entered.
The answer can be of the three types.
[] 1 Yes. If this person can read the Holy Quran then code "1" may be written.
[] 2 He/she is learning. If this person cannot read the Holy Quran but is learning to read it, then write code "2" for him/her.
[] 3 No. If this person neither can read the Holy Quran nor learning to read then code "3" may be written for him/her.