Questionnaire Text

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5 Years Old and Over

P14. Is/Was [respondent] engaged in any economic activity currently/at any time in the past twelve months?
Encircle code.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No. Go to the next household member.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Economic Activity (P14)

For each household member at least five, years old, ask "Is/Was ________ engaged in any economic activity currently/at any time in the past twelve months?". Encircle " 1 " , if YES, and ask the questions in columns P15 and P16. Otherwise, encircle "2" for NO, place a dash (--) in columns P15 and P16, and go to the next household member or END THE INTERVIEW if information for all members have been completed.

Enter code 1 if the household member worked for at least one hour in any week in the past 12 months.