Questionnaire Text

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For Females 15-49 Years
[Questions P32-P35 apply to females 15-49 years old]


P32. How many children have been born alive to [respondent]?

___ If none, enter "00".

P33. How many are still living?

___ If none, enter "00".

P34. How many children were born alive to [respondent] from May 1, 1989 to April 30 1990?

___ Enter actual number.

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P34 Number of Children Born Alive from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990

Data on the number of births in the last twelve months can be used in estimating the current fertility of women. These also serve as bases for studying the prospects of population growth, the probable development of the population's age structure and its possible effects on the economy and society.

The question in P34, "How many children were born alive to ____ from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990?" is applicable to every woman aged 15-49 years old including the widowed, separated or divorced. However, you need not ask the question for those with 00 entries in P33.

The question refers to the number of children born alive to a woman during the last 12 months, from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990. Probe further if the respondent gives an answer of 2 or more children born alive to a woman (which is unusual but possible). It is possible that a respondent will erroneously include a stillbirth or miscarriage, or a child born before or after the reference period of 12 months.

An answer of two or more children born alive to a woman is acceptable in cases of twins, triplets, etc., or if there was rather a short interval between two live-births, say one was born in May 1989 and the other in April 1990.

Enter the actual number of children born alive in the past twelve months like 1 for one child born alive, 2 for two children, and 3 for three live-born children and so on. If no child was born alive to the woman, enter 0.