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10 Years Old and Older

[Questions P23-P31 apply to persons 10 years old and over]

P23. Usual Activity/Occupation

___ What was [respondent] 's usual activity/occupation during the past twelve months?

Describe occupation as fully as possible.
Examples: Palay Farmer, Filing Clerk, Fruit Vendor, Student, etc.
If housewife, student, or retiree, skip to P25.

P28. Place of work

___ In what city/municipality did [respondent] work during the past seven days?

7 Foreign Country
8 Same City/Municipality
9 Unknown

If another city/municipality, specify the city/municipality and province. Skip to P32

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P28 Place of Work

This question aims to determine the number of workers who commute to places outside the city/municipality where they are usually residing for the purpose of working.

Ask the question in P28, "In what city/municipality did ______ work during the past seven days?" for every person 10 years old and over and whose answer in P25 is 1 - Yes, had a job or business during the past seven days.

For persons whose place of work is the same as his present residence, that is, the establishment or office where he works is located within the city/municipality where he resides, enter code
in P28. However, if the place of work is in another city/municipality, specify on the space provided the city/municipality and province where he works.

For persons whose place of work is in foreign country as in the case of overseas workers, enter code 7 in the code box.

For traveling salesmen and their helpers, drivers and conductors of public utilities, officers and crew of inter-island vessels or of commercial fishing vessels, report the location of establishment or its branch office from which their trip originated and to which they report on their return. If there are two or more of these branches, including the main office, report the location of the branch where they usually collect their salaries or wages.

Always bear in mind that the name of the city/municipality alone is not sufficient; neither is the name of the province alone. The entry in this column must always be complete to include both city or municipality and province.