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5 Years Old and Older
[Questions P15-P22 apply to persons 5 years old and over]

P18. Language

Is [respondent] able to speak Tagalog/Filipino?

Encircle code

1 Yes
2 No

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P18 Language

Knowledge on the ability of the population to speak a language or dialect is important in a country like the Philippines since more than one dialect/language are used as teaching media in schools. Moreover, such data serve as input to studies on communication and education of linguistic minorities.

Filipino is the national language of the Philippines based on Tagalog, and is taught in schools and colleges throughout the country. On the other hand, Tagalog is the language generally spoken in Tagalog provinces such as Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Quezon, Rizal and Manila.

Ask the question in P18, "Is ________ able to speak Tagalog/Filipino?" for all persons 5 years old and over. Encircle code 1 for Yes and code 2 for No. A person is said to be able to speak Filipino if he understands the language and can communicate in Tagalog even with a very limited vocabulary. A person who understands Tagalog/Filipino but cannot communicate in Tagalog/Filipino at all is considered not able to speak Tagalog/Filipino.

Persons having difficulty in speaking due to physical defects or illness but can communicate in Tagalog/Filipino through sign language, braille, etc. are considered able to speak the said language.