Questionnaire Text

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For the household ask the following questions
[Questions 24-28 were asked of all households.]

28. How many rooms are there in this house?

Enter figure for the number of rooms. Excludes kitchen, bathroom or storeroom.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Housing question
Questions on housing are needed for planning and to develop housing policies for PNG.

Question 28: Number of rooms

28. How many rooms are there in this house? ____

Enter a figure for number of rooms. Exclude kitchen, bathroom and store rooms.

Who to ask: All heads of households

Get this information for: All households.

How to ask: "How many rooms does your house have?"

How to record: Count only main rooms (e.g. living room, family room, dining room, lounge) and rooms used for sleeping.

-Do not count separate kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, hallways, verandahs or storerooms.
-Bedrooms which are used as store rooms are counted as rooms.
-A room does not have to have permanent walls. If matting or cloth is hung to divide up an area so that people cannot see into it, then the parts should be taken as separate rooms.

[Pages 121-123: Examples and exercises are omitted.]
[Pages 124- 157: Chapter 10-11 and Appendix 1-7 containing administrative information and examples are omitted.]