13. Except for school, have you done any training or course that took more than 3 months?
Urban RNVs and rural villages
Question 13
The course must be of at least 3 months duration. Do not include short one week or one month courses.
This course does include schooling in Primary and Secondary schools.
It does include Vocational school courses. Give type of course at the Vocational school.
If the person completed at least a year of a course then write this in. e.g. 1st year Law UPNG, 1st year nursing course.
Try to describe the course well e.g. Aid Post Orderlies course. Telephone Technicians Apprenticeship.
People tend to overestimate their qualifications. For example an aid post orderly may say he did a doctors course. Try to ask more questions and get an accurate description of the course.
When a person has done two or more courses write only the one that they think is the most important one.
Don't ask this question with old, illiterate village people who have not been to school. It will embarrass them. Simply write 'NIL'.
Recording the names of courses.
When recording the names of courses it is not good enough to just write down the general name of the course. E.g. University course. You must say exactly what the course is. E.g. Economic degree.
[Text omitted, Examples]