Questionnaire Text

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24. In the last 12 months did this household get any money from ____ (not from a wage job)?

[] Selling things they made?
[] Bilums
[] Necklaces
[] Beads
[] Grass skirts
[] Pots
[] Baskets
[] Carvings
[] Tables
[] Rugs
[] Selling coconuts or copra?
[] Selling food crops?
[] Selling fish?
[] Running a store?
[] Running a P.M.V.?
[] Running a boat canoe?
[] Any other activity (describe)? ____
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Section 6 - The census questions

Question 5 - Sex
Write 'M' for male, 'F' for female.
Copy Sex from the Family Record Card.
However, check by looking at the people and the relationship given for them. It is sometimes written wrongly on the Family Record Card,
Do not ask older people, you can see, though you may need to ask the sex of babies and small children.

Question 22

What does (name of company) make or do where you work?

Remember questions 20 to 21 must all relate to the same job. The entry to question 22 must agree with the person's occupation (question 20). For example, the occupation of "PMV driver" in question 20 would not agree with an entry of "retail bakery" in question 22.
In question 22 you must clearly and specifically describe the kind of business or industry of the company or government department in which the person works.
Your entry must give a specific activity for the company or government department.
For example you must specify "coffee plantation", "copper mine", "road construction", instead of just "plantation", "mine", or "construction".

[Figure omitted, examples of good and bad specific descriptions]

Points to remember are:

Use two or more words to describe what the government department or company does.
Again as in Question 20 one word answers are too general. Examples of bad answers here include: agency, club, mine office, repair shop, school, Department of Transport. Examples of good answers are advertising agency insurance agency, social club, tennis club, golf club, copper mine, gold mine, dentists office, steamship office headquarters, shoe repair shop, radio repair shop, auto repair shop, community school, high school, University of PNG (UPNG) Head Office, road construction, airport maintenance, shipping control.
Do not give what the Government Department or Company does in general e.g. DPI agricultural work but give the function done at the place where the person works e.g. DPI -"fisheries section".
Remember it is what the branch of government department or company does, not what the person himself does.
Question 23
- If there are two blank spaces at the bottom of this question ask your supervisor and he will tell you what crops to write in.
- Note: it doesn't matter how much of any crop a family has. For example a family should answer 'yes' even if they only have a few coffee trees.
- In this question it doesn't matter if the people have got money from the crop or not. As long as they have planted the crop or done some work on it you should write 'yes'.
- If you are asking this question in a town ·or other non-village and people say they have crops back in their own village - you should write 'no' next to the crop, unless they themselves often go back to their village and look after their crops.