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B. Census location

Urban area
5. Zone No. _ _ _ - _
6. Section No. _ _ _
7. AEU (Urban census area) No. _ _ _
8. Block No. _ _ _ - _
9. Front No. _ _

Rural area

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1.1. What is a census of population and housing?
This census counts all people, households and housing units in the country, also obtaining information on their main characteristics.

1.2. What is the Purpose of a census of population and housing?
It gives the following data:

- How many of us are there?
- Where do we live?
- And what do we need?
- Building of housing units
- Electrification
- Education
- Water and sewerage networks

It lets us update the statistics so that the country's authorities can take the necessary actions.

1.3. What type of census will be carried out?
It will be a de-facto census. In other words, people will be counted in the place where they spent the night of Saturday, October 21 to Sunday, October 22, 2017. It's like taking a picture of the country at 12 o'clock at night on Saturday, October 21.

1.4. How will the district census be organized?
In the urban area: it will be composed of urban registration zones, sections and areas.
In the rural area: it will be composed of rural registration sections and areas.

Urban Area:
It is the part of a district territory composed by populated areas with a minimum of 100 Housing Units grouped contiguously, which are called "urban population centers".

Rural Area:
It is the part of a district territory composed by populated areas, extending from the suburbs of the urban populated areas to the district limits, which are called "rural populated areas".

Populated Area:
It is the place in a district territory bearing a name and inhabited by several families, a single family or a single person that intend to stay there.
The Housing Units in the populated area may form blocks, streets and squares, as in towns or cities; be semi-dispersed, as in villages, annexes, among others; or totally dispersed, as in the case of agricultural environments.

Depending on the number and distribution of its housing units, a populated area can be urban or rural.

Urban Registration Area - AEU
It is the territorial area assigned to an urban census enumerator, so that on Census Day all the existing people and Housing Units can be registered. It has a maximum of 16 housing units.

Rural Registration Area - AER
It is the territorial area having one or more rural populated areas and assigned to a rural census enumerator to register all the people and housing units existing in it in a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days.

The workload for a rural census enumerator will include the coast and the highlands from 80 to 120 housing units and the rainforest from 60 to 80 Housing Units.