Questionnaire Text

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Section III. Characteristics of the household

2. Does your home have:
(Read each alternative and fill in only one oval)

12 Cable or satellite TV connection?
[] Yes
[] No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6. Chapter 6: Specific instructions to fill out Section III: Characteristics of the household

Fill in this section for all households in the housing unit (primary household and secondary household(s)).

Question 2: Does your home have?

Read each option and fill in only one answer oval: yes or no as appropriate.

This question should be filled out vertically, until option 16 is completed, in the following column.

[p. 45]


- Do not assume the answers by simple observation, as you may be looking at equipment or vehicles that may not work.

- If the respondent answers that they have pieces of equipment or vehicles that do not work, ask if they are close to being repaired.

- If they do not plan to repair them, fill in the oval in option 2, "no".

- In option 13, "internet connection?", please consider the service that comes from the household network, as well as the one that any member of the household may have through a cell phone with an Internet line. It includes mobile Internet.

- If there is more than one household in the housing unit and they share the Internet service payment, then fill in the oval of option 1, "yes", in the census questionnaire.

- If the respondent answers that there are pieces of equipment that have been lent to a neighbor or relative, then fill in the oval of option 1, "yes", of the corresponding pieces of equipment.