Questionnaire Text

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Section II. Characteristics and services of the housing unit (continued)

7. Does the housing unit have water service every day of the week?

(Fill in one oval only)

[] 1 Yes
7A. How many hours a day? _ _
[] 2 No
7B. How many days a week? _
7C. How many hours a day? _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 7:Does the housing unit have water service every day of the week?

If you fill in the oval of the option 1, "yes", proceed to question 7A, "how many hours a day?", and write down the answer in the boxes, then proceed to question 8.

If you fill in the oval of the option 2, "no", proceed to question 7B, "how many days a week do you have water?", and write the answer in the corresponding boxes. Then read question 7C, "how many hours a day?", record the answer and proceed to question 8.


- This question 7 should be filled in only if in question 6, you filled in the oval of any of the options 1 to 3.

- If the respondent answers that they have water every day because it is stored it a tank, cistern or others, kindly ask if water service is available every day or only some days.

- If the respondent answers that water is available every day for certain hours; then fill in the oval in code 1, "yes".