Questionnaire Text

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Section II. Characteristics and services of the housing unit (continued)

6. Does the water used in the housing unit come mainly from:

(Read each alternative and fill in only one oval)

[] 1 Public network inside the unit?
[] 2 Public network outside the unit, but inside the building?
[] 3 Fountain or basin for public use?
[] 4 Cistern-truck or similar?
[] 5 Well (groundwater)?
[] 6 Spring or pond?
[] 7 River, irrigation canal, lake, lagoon?
[] 8 Other? (specify) ________

[If you fill in any number between 4 and 8, go to question 8]
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5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 6: Does the water used in the housing unit come mainly from:

If you fill in the oval of one of the options from 4 to 8, proceed to question 8. Otherwise, proceed to question 7.

In option 8, "other?", enter any type of origin not stated in the previous options, such as rainwater, melted snow, neighbor's public network.


- If the housing unit is supplied by several water sources, please consider the most used one.

- If the housing unit is supplied with ground water, stored in a well by the community and then distributed through a network of pipes to reach the housing units of the populated area, then fill in the oval of option 1, "public network inside the unit?".

- If the housing unit has piped water service (through a private setup) and comes from the spring, fill in the oval of option 6, "spring or pond?", and proceed to question 8.