Questionnaire Text

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Section II. Characteristics and services of the housing unit (continued)

13. Is the housing you occupy:

(Read each alternative and fill in only one oval)

[] 1 Rented?
[] 2 Owned, without property title?
[] 3 Owned, with property title?
[] 4 Leased?
[] 5 Other form? (Specify) ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Property rights: It is the right to use, enjoy, dispose of and claim the real property.

Property title : It refers to the document by which the occupant is acknowledged as the total or partial owner of the real property. It can be a document under any of the following denominations: Purchase and sale contract; will, intestate succession or declaration of heirs, award contract, property title, among others.

Types of property titles for census purposes:
- Property titles issued between individuals: purchase and sale, will, donation, among others.
- Property titles issued in judicial or notarial proceedings: intestate succession, division and partition, separation of assets, acquisitive prescription, supplementary titles, among others.
- Property titles issued by a state entity: national housing unit board, Sinamos, ministry of housing, municipality, Cofopri, Cofopri and municipality, or other entities such as Enace, Fovipol, Fovime, among others.