13. Did you work at least one hour last week for payment in cash or kind?
[] 2 No
15. Last week were you (Read each option and circle only one number):
[] 2 Looking for work for the first time?
[] 3 Studying and did not work?
[] 4 Living off a pension or retirement income and did not work?
[] 5 Living off investment income and did not work?
[] 6 Taking care of the house and did not work?
[] 7 Other?
Question 15: If you did not work, what were you doing last week?
Circle just one option.
If the person is 12 years old or older, go to question 20.
If the person is less than 12, end the interview and continue with the next person.
[Each of the 7 examples below is accompanied by a drawing.]
2. Looking for work for the first time. This is when the person was looking for work last week for the first time (the person had never worked before). This person took specific steps (sent out a resume, visited potential employers, etc.) to find work as an employee or independent worker.
[p. 54]
4. Living off pension or retirement income and did not work. This occurs when the respondent receives a monthly payment from the state or a private organization and did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
5. Living off investment income and did not work. This occurs when the respondent receives investment income derived from his/her assets (real estate, etc.) and/or capital and did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
6. Was taking care of the house and did not work. This occurs when the person worked only in the home the week prior to the Census Day and did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
7. Other. This category includes all people not included in previous categories. Examples include minors who are not in school, those enlisted in the military, etc.