Questionnaire Text

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For persons aged six or older
[Applies to questions 13-19]

13. Did you work at least one hour last week for payment in cash or kind?

[] 1 Yes (go to question 16)
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged six and older
[Applies to questions 13-19]

Question 13: Did you work at least one hour last week for payment in cash or kind?
If the respondent answers that he/she worked last week, circle number 1, "Yes", and go to question 16. Otherwise, circle question 2, "No", and go to question 14.

  • Read the question slowly and clearly to make sure the respondent is clear about the reference period, which is last week.
  • Include paid employees in this question.
  • Unpaid domestic work (housewife) is not included.
  • Traditional barter arrangements and traditional unpaid collective work for the benefit of the community [modalidad de Ayni o Minka] are not included.

[Next to the text there is a graphic reproducing the dates in question in calendar form.]
Last week. This refers to the calendar week previous to the census day, from Sunday to Saturday. The national censuses take place on Sunday, October 21, so "last week" is from the 14-20 October.
[p. 52]
Last week, did you work at least one week for payment in cash or kind? This is when the person worked at some job for at least one hour last week, and for which he/she received payment in cash or kind, even if it was for a very small amount.
Examples: Doctor, newspaper vendor, farmer.
[Each job title is accompanied by a drawing of the job represented.]