Questionnaire Text

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3. What is your age in years completed?
Years completed _ _

For those under 1 year, write the number of months, for those under 1 month write 00.

Months completed _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For All People
[Applies to questions 1 - 6]

Question No. 3: What is your age in years completed?
Read the question and wait for the informant's response. Then, record the information in the appropriate box.
[There is a picture of a completed question 3 from this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Remember that:
The information in this question should be recorded to two digits. When necessary, put a zero before it. Example: if the informant states that they are 7, record: 07.
In "Box 1" Completed years: The age, in completed years, of people older than one will be recorded. If the informant states that they are over 98, record 98.
In "Box 2" Months: For children younger than a year, the number of months will be recorded.
For children who are less than a month old: record "00" in "Box 2."
Remember that the boxes are exclusive: This means that if the person is one year or older, their information will be recorded in box 1 "Completed Years" and you will leave box 2 "Completed Months" blank.
If the informant doesn't remember their age, help them in one of the following ways:

Ask for their year of birth and make the necessary calculation. For example, if the person says that they were born in May of 1942, at the time of the Census they will be 51 years old (1993 - 1942 = 51).
Request a personal identity document (military I.D., voter registration card, birth certificate, etc.) that helps you determine their age.