Questionnaire Text

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For those 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

10. Do you or did you attend any educational institution of regular instruction?

Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 Not currently attending, but did attend
[] 2 Currently attending
[] 3 Never attended - Skip to question 12

11. What is the last year, grade of study, or level completed?

Circle the appropriate number:

[] 0 No level
[] 1 Initial or preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Basic regular
[] 5 Basic vocational (craftsmanship)

[Bracket around responses 2-5:] ____ Write the year or grade completed

Higher non-university:

[] 6 Incomplete
[] 7 Complete

Higher university:

[] 8 Incomplete
[] 9 Complete

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For people 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

Question No. 11: What is the last year, grade of study or level that you completed?
This question is only for those who answered with option 1 or 2 in question 10.
Read the question. Wait for the informant's response. Then, circle the corresponding number.
[There is a picture of question 11 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
If the informant reports having passed Primary, Secondary, Regular Basic, or Trade School Basic, in addition to circling the number that corresponds to that level, you should record the year or grade passed in the box at the right.
If the informant reports Superior (Non-University) or Superior (University, complete, or incomplete), circle the corresponding number.
Remember that:

Initial or preschool: includes day care (nido) and Kindergarten.
Primary: According to the current Educational System, it includes from 1st to 6th grade, whether for minors or adults.
Secondary: According to the current Educational System, it includes from 1st to 5th grade, whether for minors or adults.
Regular basic (daytime): Includes from 1st to 9th grade of Regular Basic Education.
Basic vocational (nighttime): Includes from 1st to 9th grade of Trade School Basic education.
Higher (Non-University): This includes Normal Schools, Professional Education Superior Schools, Superior Technology Institutes, Armed Forces and National Police Non-Commissioned Officer Schools, and Business Administration Superior Schools.

[p. 44]
Superior (Non-University) will be considered completed when the person has finished the last cycle, grade, or year of the program that they studied. Otherwise, it will be considered incomplete.
Higher (University): This includes universities, Armed Forces and National Police Officer schools, religious seminaries, the Superior Institute of Art of Peru, the National Pedagogical Institute, and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru.
Superior (University) will be considered completed when the person has finished the last cycle, grade, or year of the program that they studied. Otherwise, it will be considered incomplete.

Remember that, beginning with the next question, information is only requested for people 6 years of age and older.