Questionnaire Text

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2. Occupancy of the dwelling
Circle the appropriate number:

A) Occupied

[] 1 With people present
[] 2 With people absent
[] 3 Occasional use

B) Unoccupied, due to being:

[] 4 For rent or sale
[] 5 Under repair
[] 6 Other reason (specify) ____

In the case of responses 2 through 6, end the interview here.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 2: Occupancy condition of the dwelling
[There is a picture of question 2 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Determine if the dwelling is occupied or unoccupied and circle the corresponding number, taking into account the following definitions:
A) Occupied:
With people present: This is a dwelling that, on the day of the Census, is occupied and the people who live there are present.
With people absent: This is a permanently occupied dwelling, but where, on the day of the Census, the people who live there are not present. This condition should be confirmed by neighbors.
If the neighbors tell you that the occupants are momentarily absent, don't circle number 2. Keep that form and continue with the enumeration of the next household. Upon finishing the work in your Enumeration Area, return to the dwelling you left pending. If the people are still absent, just circle number 2 (with people absent) and consider your task completed.
[There is a drawing of a person knocking on the door of a residence with no one home.]
Occasional use: This is a dwelling that isn't being used on the day of the Census because it is used for summer vacation, relaxation, seasonal work, etc. This condition should be confirmed by the neighbors.
[There is a drawing of a summer house.]

B) Unoccupied
This is a dwelling that isn't occupied by anyone on the day of the Census, due to being:
a) For rent or sale
b) Under repair
c) Other reason (closed down, legally inhabitable)

[There is a drawing of a building for rent and a building under construction.]
[p. 28]
From this moment on the information should be provided by the head or person responsible for the household.