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PARSE indicates the parish in Sweden where the household was located. Parishes are the smallest level of geography identified for the Sweden historical datasets and are stable over time. Other geography variables from 1880 Sweden include GEO1_SE1880_1910.

Codes for this variable are based upon the official Swedish six-digit code for county, municipality and parish -- the SCB-code. This code has been used for administrative and statistical purposes since the beginning of the 1950s. The extended code was invented in the early 1990s to keep track of subsequent generations of SCB-codes, where, for example, a parish was split and one of the parts inherited the old code. The SCB-code is used extensively in the archival community to identify parish and fiscal records and as a means of linking to other records within a number of archival information systems, in particular the national system ARKIS-II.

The coding table used in IPUMS is more extensive than the one used by the Swedish National Archives. Certain codes for non-territorial parishes, such as military establishments, hospitals, prisons and asylums that have been added, were codes for parishes that were merged into larger parishes during the 19th century. These new codes will be inserted into the official National
Archives table upon verification.

Comparability — General

The parish code in Sweden is stable over time. There are no comparability issues.


No universe descriptions are currently available.


  • Sweden: 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910