Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 17 to 27 were asked to individuals 10 years old and older]

17. Did you work last week?

[] 1 Yes -- Continue with question 23.
[] 2 No -- Continue with question 18.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 17 to 27 were asked to individuals 10 years old and older]

Question No. 17: Did you work last week?
Work is understood to be any work activity that is done with the purpose of producing goods and services that have economic value in the market.
If the answer is "Yes", mark the corresponding circle and go to question 23. If it is "No", mark the circle 2 and go to question 18.
This question should be answered "Yes" by people who have a job or a remunerated job or employment or those who have their own business such as the owner of a grocery store, the professional who has his own office, the person who does not have land, but makes his living working as an agricultural laborer in a plantation, or a pawn cleaning livestock pastures, among others.
The box "yes" should be marked also, for all persons who work independently. For example:

A mason, plumber or electrician working on their own.

[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
[p. 171]
A person making chips for selling.
A dressmaker working at home.
A woman doing beautician works in her home.
An ironer ironing in a family house.
A gardener working in various houses.
A woman making food for sale, either in her own home or away.
A woman weaving baskets or making any other crafts for selling.
A peddler or a traveling salesperson.
A shoe shiner.
A farmer working in his plot of land.