Questionnaire Text

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15. The use of the toilet facilities is
[] 1 For the exclusive use of the dwelling
[] 2 Shared with other dwellings

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Question No. 15: The use of the toilet facilities is...
[For households with toilet facilities in question 13.]
Through this question we want to know if the toilet facilities declared in question 13 are of exclusive use for the dwelling or shared with other households, which are within this dwelling or outside of it.
Only ask this question if in question 13 you marked any of the circles 1 to 3 (pit or latrine, connected to sewer system, or connected to a septic tank.)
[There is a simple image of question 15 from the enumeration form.]
Example of questions 13, 14, and 15:
In the household that is being enumerated they indicate you that they have a pit as toilet facilities and it is of exclusive use for the dwelling. The question will be registered in the following way:
[There is a sample image of questions 13 to 15 from the enumeration form.]