Questionnaire Text

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14. What is the most frequently used place for this dwelling to deposit human waste?
[] 1 Scrubland
[] 2 River or stream
[] 3 Sea
[] 4 Uses the sanitary service of the neighbor
[] 5 Other (specify)
Continue with question 16.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 14: What is the most frequently used place for this dwelling to deposit human waste?
[For households without toilet facilities in question 13.]
Remember that this question is asked when the dwelling does not have toilet facilities (circle 4 from question 13.)
Read the question and next each of the options that appear in the questionnaire.
If the answer chosen is circle 5 (other) register in a legible way, in the correspondent line, the other place where the human waste is deposited.
Mark the corresponding circle and continue with question 16.
[There is a sample image of question 14 from the enumeration form.]