Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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12. Approximately, how many hours per day is drinking water delivered?
During the dry season? _ _
During the rainy season? _ _
Questionnaire instructions
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Question No. 12: Approximately, how many hours per day do you receive drinking water?
[For households with drinking water supplied by the public water system of the IDAAN, a public community water system, or a private water system, in question 9.]
The objective of this question is to know the regularity of potable water supply for the dwelling during the 24 hours of the day.
Remember that this question is asked when any of the circles from 01 to 03 have been marked in question 9 (water supply).
It refers to the regularity in potable water supply for the dwelling, according to the most predominant situation, both in the dry and rainy seasons.
This question must be asked in the following manner:
Approximately, how many hours per day do you receive drinking water during the dry season? Register at the two digits level in the assigned space, the answer declared by the respondent.
Approximately, how many hours per day do you receive drinking water during the rainy season? Register at the two digits level in the assigned space, the answer declared by the respondent.
When the number of hours varies, ask how many hours approximately does the dwelling has the service.
[There is a sample image of question 12 from the enumeration form.]
[p. 76]
Example of questions 11 and 12:
The respondent declares that for the dry season she receives water every other day, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. During the rainy season, she receives water 5 days a week, during the 24 hours of the day.
[There is a sample image of questions 11 and 12 from the enumeration form.]