Questionnaire Text

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11. How many days a week is drinking water delivered?
During the dry season? _
During the rainy season? _

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Question No. 11: How many days per week is drinking water available?
[For households with drinking water supplied by the public water system of the IDAAN, a public community water system, or a private water system, in question 9.]
We want to know how many days per week the dwelling has drinking water service, both in dry and rainy seasons.
This question applies only to those who marked any of the circles 01, 02, or 03 (public water system of the IDAAN, public community water system, or private water system) in question 9.
Dry season: Between December and April.
Rainy season: Between May and November.
This question must be asked in the following manner:
How many days per week do you receive drinking water during the dry season? Mark the answer that the respondent declares.
How many days per week do you receive drinking water during the rainy season? Mark the answer that the respondent declares.
Register in each space the respondent's answer and continue with question 12.
Remember that this question refers to a week period. The week has 7 days.
If it is the case that within the segment the answers are different, investigate with the respondents and register the pertinent clarifications, in the spaces for observations.
[There is a sample image of question 11 from the enumeration form.]