Questionnaire Text
Questionnaire form
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10. Are the installations for drinking water inside the dwelling?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions
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Question No. 10: Are there drinking water installations within the dwelling?
This question has as an objective, from a sanitary point of view, to know if the in the interior of a dwelling water is supplied through a pipe.
Mark the circle according to the answer of the respondent.
[There is a picture of a faucet outside the dwelling and a picture of a sink.]
Remember that this question applies only for those who marked any of the circles 01, 02, or 03 (public water system of the IDAAN, public community water system, or private water system) in question 9 (where is the drinking water principally obtained from?).
It could happen that not in every dwelling of the segment drinking water is obtained in the same way, thus, do not assume this information and ask the respondent the source of drinking water.
[There is a simple image of question 10 from the enumeration form.]
[p. 73]
Example of questions 9 and 10:
When enumerating the dwelling of Mr. Arnoldo Ruiz, he informs that they obtain the water from the public water system of the IDAAN, but since it is available only two days per week, there is a cistern truck every day in the morning; he does not use this water to drink, but to wash, clean, shower, among other uses. He indicates that within the dwelling they do not have drinking water installations. The answers will be registered in the following way:
[There is a simple image of questions 9 and 10 from the enumeration form.]