8. How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include kitchen, laundry and bathrooms)
Number of rooms _ _
8A. Of these, how many are only bedrooms? _ _
Question No. 8: How many rooms does this dwelling have?
(Do not include the kitchen, toilet, or bath.)
Room: It is each of the chambers or spaces used for housing purposes. The rooms must be separated by fixed walls of any material that establishes a practical separation between each of the different chambers.
When you ask this question, clarify to the person that is being enumerated what must be included or not as rooms, next there is a detailed list of what you should consider for a better understanding:
[Below the text there is a table that indicates what should and what should not be included when counting rooms.]
Living room.
Dining room.
Study rooms.
Recreation rooms.
Room for the domestic service.
Rooms that are ceded and rented as long as those are within the enumerated dwelling (more than one household in the dwelling.)
Attics used as sleeping room.
Elevated storage rooms [jorones] that are used as sleeping rooms.
Do not include
Attics (that are not used as sleeping rooms.)
Annexes that are rented and have an independent entrance.
Those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service reasons (shop, workshop, depositories of grain and other products, elevated storage rooms [jorones], stalls for animals, etc.).
Finally, register at the two-digit level, in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the dwelling you are enumerating has, putting before a 0, if the quantity is lower than 10.
[There is a simple image of question 8 from the enumeration form.]
[p. 67]
Question No. 8A: Of these [rooms], how many are only for sleeping?
The objective of this question is to quantify the total number of rooms that the dwelling has and that are used only to sleep, even if they have not been built for this purpose. The information obtained will permit us to know the level of overcrowding of the household.
Overcrowding: Congestion in the same place of a number of people that is considered excessive.
These rooms are generally known as bedrooms.
Register in Arabic numbers, in the corresponding space, the number of rooms exclusive for sleeping that the dwelling being enumerated has, even if they have not been built for this purpose. Consider attics only if those are used exclusively for sleeping. Register "00" if the dwelling does not have any room exclusive for sleeping.
The number of rooms indicated in this question must be lower than the total of rooms mentioned in question 8.
Note: In indigenous areas it is possible to find dwellings without walls and having only one room where all the daily life activities are performed. You must register "01" in question 8 and "00" in question 8a of section II, information on the dwelling, because by definition, those do not have exclusive rooms for sleeping.
[There is a picture showing huts without walls. Below the picture, there is a sample image of questions 8 and 8A from the enumeration form.]
[p. 68]
Example: The respondent declares that, in his/her apartment, there is a living room - dining room and 2 rooms used for sleeping and a room that is used as storage. The answer will be registered in the following way:
[There is a drawing representing the different rooms listed in the example. Below, there is a sample image of questions 8 and 8A from the enumeration form.]