Questionnaire Text

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7. What is the predominant material in the floor of this dwelling?
[] 1 Mosaic or tiles, marble and parquet
[] 2 Pavement (concrete)
[] 3 Brick
[] 4 Wood
[] 5 Dirt
[] 6 Other materials (cane, sticks, discarded materials, among others)

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Question No. 7: What is the predominant material in the floor of this dwelling?
The purpose of this question is to know the predominant material that makes up the dwelling floors.
Floor: Natural or artificial soil of the dwelling.
It refers to the floor material of most of the rooms in the dwelling.
Consider the following definitions:
a. Mosaic or tiles, marble and parquet:
Mosaic: Pieces of stone, glass or ceramics of diverse colors to create drawings or not.
Tiles: Thin layers of ceramics, stone, or other resistant material to recover the floor.

[There is a picture of tile floor.]
Marble: Natural stone, with an observable specific texture and capable of receiving polishing.
Parquet: Planking formed of narrow and polished pieces of wood, arranged in a regular way creating geometric shapes.

b. Pavement (concrete): Built with gravel or stone, sand, and cement, it could include or not iron.
c. Brick: Piece of cooked mud or cement, almost always in a rectangular shape.
[There is a picture of a brick floor.]
d. Wood: Solid part of trees without the cortex conveniently cut in boards.
[There is a picture of wood floor.]
[p. 64]
e. Earth: Organic or inorganic material from which the natural soil is mostly composed of.
f. Other materials (cane stick, sticks, waste material, among others): Those not included in the previous materials and which are of inferior quality.
This question concerns the floor material of most of the rooms in the dwelling.
You should not be guided exclusively by the material of the floor in the living room, since in some dwellings such flooring is different from the materials used in the rest of the rooms.

Mark only one circle according to the type of material from which the floor of the dwelling is built, following the respondent's answer.
[There is a sample image of question 7 from the enumeration form.]
Next, fill out the questions 5 to 7 according to the following example:
[p. 65]
Mr. César Cedeño informs that his house is made of cane sticks with clay [quincha]; except for the kitchen that is made of cement; regarding the roof, he says it is made of tiles. When asked about the floor, he tells that, because of lacking enough money, only the living room has been paved and the rest of the house has earth floor.
[There is a sample image of questions 5 to 7 from the enumeration form.]