Questionnaire Text

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Only for women between 12 and 49 years of age, who have declared live births:
[Questions 26-27 were asked of women aged 24 - 49 who have born live children.]

27. Is this son or daughter alive?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For women 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 24- 27]

Information about the variable fertility will be gathered for women 12 years old or older. In a strict sense, this variable, is the real frequency of births in the female population.
Information about the variable mortality will be gathered for all of those surviving of the sons/daughters born alive by women 12 years old or older. It is defined as: the permanent disappearance of all signs of life, whatever was the time that passed since the birth.
The gathering of information for this section in the census offers the opportunity of grouping information for estimating these variables to the national level in an economic way and principally to bring the vital statistics up to date.

Question No. 26: Of your sons and daughters born alive, were any born during the last 12 months?

This refers to all sons/daughters born alive by the feminine population in reproductive age (12-49 years of age), during the 12 months before the Census, that is to say from May 1999 to May of the year 2000.

[To the left of the text is a picture of a baby.]

Mark the corresponding circle agreeing with the response of the woman. When the woman answers affirmatively, the date of the birth of the son or daughter born alive should be marked in the corresponding space. (day, month and year).
The response should be in numeric form. Example: 01-06-1999
If the response is negative, finish the interview and continue with the next person.

Question No. 27: Is this son or daughter alive?

It refers to sons and daughters born alive in the last years, currently alive.
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle, agreeing with the response of the informant. Remember that this question refers to the child declared in question 24.