17. What was the reason for not looking for work last week?
[] 2 Looked before and waiting to hear
[] 3 Impossible to find work
[For responses 1-3,] (Continue with question 18)
[] 4 Retired or pensioner
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Household worker or housewife [explicitly feminine]
[] 7 Rentier
[] 8 Other condition
[For responses 4-8,] (Skip to question 20)
Question No. 17: What was the reason for not looking for work last week?
Read all the alternatives presented in the questionnaire and begin to mark the circle according to the response of the person. If a person responds affirmatively in any of the circles 1 to 3 (Does occasional jobs, looked before and waits or news or impossible to find work), mark the corresponding circle and continue with question 18.
[p. 89]
For those who respond "Yes" in any of the circles 4 to 8 (Retiree or pensioned, Student, Worker in the home or Homemaker, Rentier or Other condition), mark the corresponding circle, go to question 23 and draw a diagonal line through questions 18 to 22.
Keep in mind the following definitions:
Does occasional jobs: A person who does not look for employment because they depend on a job that they do periodically and that generates enough income to survive. Example: sailors, contractors who during the reference week were found resting in their houses.
[To the right of the text is a picture of a person working.]
Looked for work and is waiting for news: has looked for work before and is waiting to be called or sent for.
[To the right of the text is a picture of a person reading the classified ads.]
Impossible to find work: A person who claims to have not looked for work during the reference week since they have looked before and have not found any.
[To the left of the text is a person looking through a magnifying glass [!].]
Retired or pensioned: A person who has stopped working and is receiving income as retirement payments or pensions. Do not include persons who receive food pensions for divorce or separation.
[To the right of the text is a picture of a two persons.]
Student: A person dedicated only and exclusively to studying
[To the left of the text is a picture of a student.]
Household worker or housewife [explicitly feminine]: Persons of one or other sex, without managing any economic activity dedicate themselves to taking care of their own homes. For example, the homemakers and other family members that are charged with the attention of the house and the children. These persons do only and exclusively domestic tasks and chores in their own home and are not looking for work, are not retired, or pensioned or live on investments, or attend school.
[To the left of the text is a picture of a woman carrying a plant.]
[p. 90]
Rentier: a person who receives money or investments from a business, company, real estate, renting of land, machinery, etc.
[To the right of the text is a picture of a person.]
Other condition: a person who, without being classified in any of the groups above, does no economic activity. This person can be idle, physically or mentally handicapped, etc.
[To the right of the text is a picture of the handicapped logo.]
If a person is dedicated to studying and also works, they should be marked in question 14 in circle 1 (Yes); equally, if a person is retired and also works, they should be marked in circle 1 in question 14. In summary, the fact that a person works prevails in the classification of question 14 to 17.
When classifying the population you should take special care with persons who declare to be " Worker in the home, Homemaker" or " Student" because the first group at times also does remunerated jobs like; clean, iron, sew, do hair, paint fingernails, make candy or food to sell, etc. in their own home or outside of it, but because they spend little time in these labors they forget to supply this information.
On the other hand, some students after class or on weekends dedicate themselves to cleaning shoes, selling newspapers, supermarket packer, washing cars etc. Equal care should be taken with the spouse or companion or the children of farm families, who regularly help with the agricultural labors but do not declare this job.
If it comes about that a person worked during this period even though it was partially, should be classified in the category of Employed which corresponds to the Economically Active Population.
For the case of the workers of the home or homemakers who attend school, that is to say, that they have been marked in circle 1 (Yes) in question 10 of Section VI. Educational Characteristics, you should mark circle 5 (Student) of the question 17 of Section VII. Economic Characteristics.