Questionnaire Text

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For all individuals in the household

[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all individuals.]

7. Where did you mother live when you were born?

[] 0001 In this same place?
____ In a different locality (specify)
____ District
____ Province
_ _ _ _ _
([If this option is selected,] go to question 9)

____ In another country? (specify) _ _ _ _ _
(Continue with question 7a)

7a. In what period did you arrive in Panamá . . .

[] 1 Before 1990?
[] 2 Between 1990 and 1995?
[] 3 Between 1996 and today?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No 7: Where did your mother live when you were born?

The objective of this question is to determine persons whose habitual place of residence at the date of the census differs from their place of reference (mother's residence) at the moment of birth.
Remember that this question refers to the locality where the mother lived when the enumerated person was born and not the place where they stayed in the hospital or other site where she moved to give birth.

[To the left of the text is a picture of two parents and a baby.]

[p. 74]

Mark with an "X" the circle in this place if a person declares that their mother lived "when born" in the same locality where enumerated.
When an enumerated person says their mother was living " in another locality" "when born", write down this name and the district and province to which this locality belongs and go to question 8.