Questionnaire Text

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11. With what regularity does the dwelling have a supply of drinking water?
(Select for each season the most common situation)

During the dry season?
[] 1 24 hours per day
[] 2 Part of the day
[] 3 Occasionally

During the rainy season?
[] 4 24 hours per day
[] 5 Part of the day
[] 6 Occasionally

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question No. 11: With what regularity does the dwelling have a supply of drinking water?

(Select for each season the situation that prevails most)

The objective of this question is to know the periodicity, with which the dwelling has this service, which will permit the institution in charge to take the necessary measures.
Remember that this question is asked when there is something in the circles 1 to 3 marked in question 9.
It refers to the regularity in the supply of drinkable water which the dwelling has, according to the situation that prevails most both in the dry season as well as the rainy season.
This question should be asked in the following manner:
With what regularity does the supply of drinking water have during the dry season? Read the options. Mark the response that the person declares.
Both under the heading relative to "During the dry season" as well as the heading relative to "During the rainy season" the questionnaire presents 3 options for response, in which the most prevalent in each case should be marked. Mark the response of the person considering the following:

a. During 24 hours of the day (Circles 1 and 4):
In a dwelling they receive drinking water 24 hours a day all year, except when there are announced repairs, during the dry and rainy season.

b. Part of the day (Circles 2 and 5):
In a dwelling they receive drinking water some time during the day during the dry and rainy season.

[p. 51]

c. Occasionally (Circles 3 and 6):
When a dwelling spends more than a day without receiving drinking water, it is interpreted that they put up with this situation frequently and that the absence of water is not due to an eventual maintaining or repairing of the water tower during the dry or rainy season.