Question No. 9: Where is drinking water principally obtained from?
This question refers to the form of being supplied drinking water in the dwelling.
Read the question and then the options given as they appear in the questionnaire. Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.
It is the system through which the inhabitants are supplied drinking water by means of a community system administrated by the IDAAN (National Institute of Water Systems and Sewers).
b. Public Community Water System (Circle 02):
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is provided by a public water system administrated by the community or another private entity.
c. Private Water System (Circles 03):
System of supplying private drinking water provided for exclusive use of the dwelling.
d. Sanitary Well (Circle 04):
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is provided from a sanitary well that is public or private with a pump to extract water. The pump can be manual, motorized or by windmill. Include the protected or covered spring (brocales).
e. Uncovered Spring (Circle 05):
Deep open well from which water is obtained by means of bucket or vessels manipulated by pulleys or simply by ropes.
f. Rainwater (Circle 06):
Water that falls from clouds and is stored in vessels to be drank by the residents of the dwelling.
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Also known as natural pool opened to an earth spring and almost always natural.
h) River or stream (Circle 08):
When the supply of drinking water is obtained directly from a river or gully.
i) Cistern Truck (Circle 09):
When the dwelling has installations for getting water from the IDAAN or from the community, but because of shortages the members of the home get drinking water principally from a cistern truck.
j) Other (Circle 10)
In the case that drinking water is obtained by any way different than those described above. Example: When the members of the dwelling consume bottled water.
If the person gives information of circles 01, 02, and 03 continue with question 10. On the other hand if any of the other circles are marked (04 to 10) go to question 12 of the questionnaire and a diagonal line will be drawn in questions 10 and 11.