Questionnaire Text

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7. Which indigenous group do you belong to?
[] 1 Kuna
[] 2 Guaymí
[] 3 Teribe
[] 4 Bokota
[] 5 Emberá
[] 6 Waunana
[] 7 None

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Question Number 7: Which indigenous group do you belong to?
Mark with an "X" the corresponding circle, agreeing with the response of the person. For children, mark the question based on the response of their parents.
When enumerating a dwelling in Setegantí of the Province of Darién, the head responds that both he and his companion are indigenous. To the question about what group they belong to, both say they are Emberá. A 4 year old minor who lives with them will appear in this question as:

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Remember that this question is only asked to persons who declared to be indigenous in the list of occupants. If the person is not indigenous mark circle 7 (none).