Questionnaire Text

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VI. Degree or diploma obtained and economic characteristics.
For individuals 10 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 21 were asked of people 10 years and older.]

14. Principal activity of the individual:

14a. Did you work last week, or did you have a job from which you were temporarily absent?

[] 01 Yes
No. If no, ask

14b. Did you look for work last week?

[] 02 Yes
No. If no, ask

14c. For what reason did you not look for work last week?

[] 03 Does occasional work
[] 04 Looked for work before and waiting to hear
[] 05 Impossible to find work

[If any answer above was selected,] (Continue with questions 15 - 17)

[] 06 Homemaker [specifically female]
[] 07 Student
[] 08 Retired or pensioner
[] 09 Rentier
[] 10 Other condition
[For responses 06 - 10], (go directly to question 21)

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Important observations about questions 14 to 21:
Questions 14 to 21, which form part of this section, are meant for getting information about the participation of the population of 10 years old or older in economic activities of the country. It is recommended that each member of the home respond for themselves. If this is not possible, the Head or responsible adult could respond for the youngest, but it is preferable to insist that the adult members respond for themselves.
The information refers to the week before the Census. This week is defined as the reference week and is understood to be from Sunday to Saturday.

[Question Number] 14. Principal activity of the individual:
The responses obtained in question are the basis for classifying the population of 10 years old or older in:

a. Economically active: is understood to be the employed population (Circles 01 and 03) and the unemployed population (Circles 02, 04 and 05)
b. Not economically active: is understood to be a homemaker, student, retiree or pensioned, rentier or other condition (Circles 06 to 10).

Question Number 14a: Did you work last week or did you have any job from which you were temporarily absent?
If the response is affirmative, mark the corresponding circle and go to question 15. If the person answers "no", continue with question 14 b, which the arrow in the questionnaire indicates.
In this question, persons who are employed or that is those who have a remunerated job or employment or those who have their own business like for example the owner of a grocery store, the businessperson who has their own office, etc. should respond "yes".
The box "yes" should be marked also, for all persons who work independently. For example:
A dress designer who works at home.
An ironer who irons in a family house.
A gardener who works in different houses.
A woman who makes food for selling outside of the house.
A woman who weaves baskets or any other craft for selling.
A peddler or traveling salesperson.
A farmer who works a plot of land.
A child of a farmer who helps the father with the crops.
A farmer who does not have any land, but makes a living as cane cutter cleaning fields or as one who sows.

Also, "yes" should be marked when the person has employment but was absent last week because of temporary incapacity, vacation or on leave because of pregnancy.

[p. 64]

Also, ["yes" should be marked] for the independent worker that during the reference week worked few hours or did not work for temporary reasons. For example: a taxi driver whose car was being repaired, a candy salesperson who became sick, etc.

Question Number 14 b: Did you look for work last week? (for the persons who answered no to question 14a.)
If the answer is affirmative, mark the corresponding circle and go to question 15. If the person answers "no", continue with question 14c, which the arrow in the questionnaire indicates.

Question Number 14 c: For what reason did you not look for work last week?
If the person responds in agreement with any of the circles 03 to 05 (The person does occasional jobs, Looked for work before and is waiting for news or Impossible to find work), mark the corresponding circle and go to question 15.
For those who respond affirmatively in any of the circles 06 to 10 (Homemaker, Student, Retiree, or pensioned, Rentier or Other condition), mark the corresponding circle and go to question 21.
Keep in mind the following definition:
Does occasional jobs: a person who does occasional jobs (camarones); for example: a fisher, a mason, etc.
Looked for work and is waiting for news: a person who has looked for work before and is waiting to be called or sent for.
Impossible to find work: a person who is unemployed and is tired of looking for work because they are discouraged and now do not look.
Homemaker: a person who does only and exclusively domestic tasks and chores in their own home and are not looking for work, are not retired, or pensioned or live on investments, or attend school. In a dwelling there can be more than one homemaker.
Student: a person dedicated principally to studying. If the person studies and also tends to domestic duties, circle 07 (student) should be marked.
Retired or pensioned: A person who has stopped working and is receiving income as retirement payments or pensions. Do not include persons who receive food pensions for divorce or separation.
Rentier: a person who receives money or investments from a business, company, real estate, renting of land, machinery, etc. without working.

[p. 65]

Other condition: a person who, without being classified in any of the groups above, does no economic activity. This person can be idle, invalid, secluded, etc.

If a person is dedicated to studying and also works, they should be marked in question 14 in circle 01. Equally, if a person is retired and also works, they should be marked in question 14 in circle 01. In summary, the fact that a person works prevails in the classification of question 14.
Independently of the response of the person, only a circle marked in any other the alternatives 01 to 10 are accepted;