Questionnaire Text

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2. Condition of the dwelling (occupancy)
[] 1 With inhabitants present
[] 2 With inhabitants absent: Skip to the next dwelling

[] 3 For sale or rent: Skip to the next dwelling
[] 4 Under repair or construction: Skip to the next dwelling
[] 5 Summer home: Skip to the next dwelling
[] 6 Other reason: Skip to the next dwelling

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Question Number 2: Condition of the dwelling:
When the Enumerator arrives at a dwelling the following situations can be found:
Occupants are in the dwelling (occupants present)
Occupants are not found in the dwelling (closed dwelling)
The dwelling is unoccupied.

Mark only one circle keeping in mind the following definitions:
a. With inhabitants present (Circle 1):
When it concerns a dwelling inhabited with any occupant present at the moment of the Census.
b. With inhabitants absent "closed" (Circle 2):
When it concerns a dwelling inhabited, but whose occupants are not present at the moment of the Census. This dwelling should be visited more than one time to avoid omissions of enumeration on the day of the Census. If the interview occurs, mark circle 1, if it does not occur, leave circle 2 marked.
c. Unoccupied Dwellings (Circles 3 to 6):
The circles for this question are for pointing out the unoccupied dwellings since they can be for sale or for rent, in repair or construction, summer houses or other reason.
For sale or rent (Circle 3):
When at the moment of the visit, the dwelling is found unoccupied for being for sale or for rent.

[p. 36]

Under repaired or construction (Circle 4):
It is at the moment of the visit unoccupied because its construction has not yet been finished or repairs or modifications (reparations) are being done.
Summer home (Circle 5):
When it concerns a dwelling that is used for spending vacations or weekends because the person or the family has their habitual residence in another place.
Other reason (Circle 6):
Is when the dwelling is not in any of the conditions mentioned above.
If at the moment of visiting a dwelling, the door is found to be closed and when asking the neighbors what it is due to, they indicate that the owners of this dwelling do not live in it, but they only come in the summer or on vacations, the question will be marked in the following manner:

[Below the text is a picture of a form with Circle 5 marked.]

Note: A closed dwelling (with occupants absent) should not be confused with an unoccupied dwelling. Ask the neighbors its condition.