Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
B. Educational Characteristics

[Questions 9 to 12 are asked for those who 6 years old or older]

12. Do you currently attend school?

(Only for those between 6 and 40 years of age)

Write the number in the appropriate space according to the type of schooling, year or grade the person is currently attending. If attending another, non-regular type of schooling, mark the box 04. If not attending any school, mark the box 05.

[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
[] 4 Other type of school
[] 5 Not currently attending

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

B. Educational Characteristics

(Questions 9 to 12)
(Only for persons 6 years old or older)

Question 12 Do you currently attend school?

(Only for person between 6 to 40 years of age)

Before making the corresponding annotations, follow these instructions:
If the person is attending a school of regular education and a supplementary school at the same time, the grade or year of the school of regular education will be written down as that which the person attends.

[p. 37]

Keep in mind that research about school attendance refers both to official schools and private schools of this country.
If the person does not attend any school, mark box "05".
Below examples of how to fill out these boxes are described.
Write down the number, on the corresponding line, to the class of regular education, the grade and school year that the person attends.

[Below the text is a picture of a man teaching a class]

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 12 of the census form.]


Case 1: If the person is attending the 5th grade of primary school, the annotation will be made as: Primary 1 5
Case 2: If the person is attending the 4th year of secondary school, the information will be written down in the following manner: Secondary 2 4
Case 3: If the person attends a school of non-regular education, as the supplementary schools are (1 or 2 years long) in which education about beauty, tailoring, confectionary is taught or also kindergartens, mark a "X" in the box corresponding to "Other school" 04.

If the person does not attend any school, mark box "05".