Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for those 10 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22 were asked only of persons aged 10 and older.]

[Questions 19-22 were asked only of persons who were employed.]

22. Wage or salary:

If a wage or salary is received, how much is earned? Write the amount in the appropriate space, according to whether the salary is set by the hour, day, week, or month.

[] 1 Per hour B/. ____
[] 2 Daily B/. ____
[] 3 Weekly B/. ____
[] 4 Monthly B/. ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 22 Wage or salary: If a wage is received, how much is earned? (Only for the employee)

Write in the corresponding space the amount in Balboas, according to whether the salary is set by the hour, day, week or month.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 22 of the census form.]

For example: If the salary is set at 50 cents an hour, write down in the following way: Per hour 1 B/.0.50, even when the wage is received weekly. If the wage is set at 90 balboas monthly, write down the following: Monthly 4 B/.90.00 even when the wage is paid every two weeks. Such is the case, for example, for government employees whose wage is set in a monthly sum, but receive the wage every two weeks.
For employees who receive their wages based on commission, task, percentage, or in kind, that is, who do not receive a previously established wage or salary, draw a diagonal line. Keep in mind that the question refers to the gross wage, that is to say, without deductions of discounts, or Social Security fees, or Income Tax, etc.