Questionnaire Text

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Only for those 10 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22 were asked only of persons aged 10 and older.]

15. For one who is working: Did you work during all of 1960? Mark the appropriate box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 15 For one who is working: Did you worked all of the 1960?

Mark box 01 if the person has worked all of 1960. The information should refer to the occupation that the person had the day of the Census, if it was the same job all of 1960 or if there were different jobs, always worked in succession, that is to say, without having an extended period of unemployment.
Mark box 02 if the person only has worked part of the year either continuously or in occasional or seasonal jobs.