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4. Age in years completed:
Write the age completed at last birthday. If under 1 year write the date of birth: (day, month and year)


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(Applicable to persons of all ages)
(Questions 1-10)

Question 4 Age in complete years

Write down the person's age in completed years, that is to say, the age at the last birthday. For children less than one year old, write down the birthday. Example: January 10, 1960.

[p. 35]

Some persons have the tendency to reduce or increase their age or round their age to numbers ending in 0 or 5. Example: They say they are 50 when they are actually 49, or that they are 55 when they are actually 56. If any doubt about answering the question is observed, try to obtain the exact age.
If the person does not know the current age as happens to older persons who live in the country, estimate the age and write it down followed by the letter E. For example: 54-E, 60-E. In these cases the estimation can be more closely approximated if the likely date of birth is associated with a local, national or international event of great effect on the public. For example: The age of our Independence from Columbia (1903), when World War One began (1914), the year in which Doctor Porras became president for the first time (1912), the time of the earthquakes (1913); etc.
If it is not possible to estimate the age after having made an effort, write "unknown".